I believe that sharing data and code (when possible) makes us better scientists by improving transparency.

Infant fMRI Data

All of the infant fMRI data collected by the Turk-Browne lab at Yale University can be freely downloaded from DataDryad. I am the primary contact for the following datasets:

Infant fMRI Experiment Code

All of the code for showing infants different experiments during MRI is posted on Github in the Experiment Menu repository. The master branch contains the base code. Different experiments are separated as different "branches" of the repository. I was the primary contributor to the following branches:

Infant fMRI Analysis Code

All of the code for analyzing infant fMRI is posted on Github in the Infant Neuropipe repository. The master branch contains the base code for running fMRI pre-processing (see the README for a detailed description). Different experiments are separated as different "branches" of the repository. I was the primary contributor to the following branches:

Miscellaneous Data and Code

For other projects I have worked on, I have also shared my code on Github.